Tula Pink Zipped Bucket Bag - Purple with templates

Daisy and Grace


The finished bag is a great size and is perfect for so many things, it is perfect for the Daisy & Grace large project pockets as well.

The Tula Pink fabrics are great vibrant colours with amazing quirky designs that will make your bag the envy of your friends. The Tula Pink fabric is pre-cut  5” squares so all you will need to do is cut a few of them into 4 to make your 2 ½” squares.

This kit is for the fabrics and interlinings required to make this Tula Pink bag.

You have the supplies to either make a zipped or an open bucket bag.

Using QAYG templates means that once all your squares are joined you don’t need a lining for your bag, it’s an all-in-one method.

You will require wadding to complete the bag.

Kit Includes:

Daisy & Grace 5" QAYG  Square Template

Daisy & Grace 2 1/2" QAYG  Square Template

Lining Fabric- 100% Cotton from Makower

Main Fabric Squares x 17 – 100% Cotton Tula Pink

Extra heavy weight fusible interlining (for the base) 12 ½” x 5”

Sew in interlining 50 x 20 cm approximately (for the handles)

Heavy weight fusible interlining (to fuse onto wadding if you want to make it firmer)

Closed end zip 22” (56cm)



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